Giraffe Gets Bad News

Giraffe Gets Bad News And some glowsticks Today has been difficult: I had to explain to Giraffe that he won't be coming on the Attic Mission with us, despite his help with making the Anti-Spider Protection Vehicle. Otter Keeper says we can't all go to the attic. I think Giraffe has taken the news [...]

Anti-Spider Protection Vehicle

Anti-Spider Protection Vehicle Great news! After many hours of hard work I can happily say that the spider problem has now been solved. I would like to introduce: The Anti-Spider Protection Vehicle or A.S.P.V.for short. The A.S.P.V. has been specially designed to allow the otter inside to concentrate on important attic missions (and talk to Santa), [...]

Top 5 household object No.4 – The Recycling Box

No.4 - The Recycling Box (8.7 out of 10) The green recycling box is really great and we've scored it an 8.7! Its high score is deserved because it's a good example of a household object that has one use for Otters and several (unexplained and less important) uses for Otter Keepers. For me the [...]

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