Wow, me and Teddy just had one of the best weekends EVER! That’s because this weekend was Easter weekend. Easter weekend would probably get a very commendable 9.2 out of 10 (because it’s not as good as Otter birthdays or Christmas but clearly beats Pancake day)
On Easter day everyone gets chocolate eggs that are delivered by a rabbit. This is actually quite a strange thing to happen, but if a strange thing is also a good thing (and it gives you chocolate) – it’s usually best not to question why it happens because it gets confusing.
It’s like trying to understand magnets. No one can actually understand magnets (not even Otter Keeper) but you have to accept that they are great and just play with them anyway!
All the chocolate eggs are fantastic, however there is one very big (and getting even bigger) problem with Easter. And that is Teddy. You see Teddy loves chocolate and when me and Otter Keeper are not looking he eats it at an alarming rate!
(I know he does this because I can’t possibly have eaten so many of my Easter eggs so far all by myself)
Otter Keeper has gone back to work today leaving only me to protect the Easter eggs from Teddy.Due to Teddy’s insatiable desire for chocolate this is an extremely hard job for just one person (clearly Otter Keeper is not taking Teddy’s problem seriously)
INFACT Otter Keeper is under some silly delusion that it is not Teddy at all that is eating the eggs… he says it’s me and that I’m just blaming it on Teddy!!
Sometimes Otter Keeper is like a magnet too… it’s just impossible to understand why they do the things they do.
Poor old Teddy, but good thinking Otter. Hopefully Teddy will think about eating all the eggs now.
Of course you are not eating all of the eggs yourself. Otters are svelte by nature and, well, teddies are NOT svelte by nature and it is good of you to look out for Teddy.
Additionally, I am sure you have quite a bit of nervous energy with the Royal Wedding coming so soon and so much Kate talk in the media. I still say the Royal Kate should decree that your neighbour Kate must be nice to you. Or move away. Royalty can do that, can’t they?
Keep up the good work, Otter. And keep us apprised of your progress on delaying Monday. I am most interested in your efforts in that area!
Otter Keeper is crazy, you couldn’t possible eat all that chocolate!!!
You are doing a great job protecting Teddy from getting bigger, he should be grateful that you look after him =)
It is really hard to resist chocolate. In fact I had three eggs and they are all gone now!! My little otters have some left but that’s only because they got more than me in the first place. I can understand Teddy but he obviously needs you to keep an eye on him. You could explain to otter keeper that you had to eat them all to save Teddy from himself 😀
Teddy will thank you for looking out for his well being…maybe. You are truly a good friend to Teddy.
Magnets, how do they work? 😛
Jancis says ;- ” Teddy, if you eat too many chocolate eggs you will get very very very fat and wont be able to run away from you and otter’s arch enemy, Kate, and she will capture you and roast you on a barbecue. Do you want that to happen? NOOO!!!!
You could put Teddy on Weight Watchers, Otter. I am doing well on it. I think they even have a lot of recipes for people (and Teddies!) who like eggs!
Please, please, please publish your diaries Otter. I would buy 2 copies and maybe more. I am sure it would be a no 1 best seller!
Are you certain that Easter surpasses Pancake Day?
I was glad to read that Teddy has lost 1lb yesterday from the sofa-bouncing. Not only are you trying to help him by preventing him from eating the eggs, now you’ve got him on an exercise regimen! Good Otter!
Hello Otter!! and of course Teddy too! ( not sure about Keeper–he NEVER seems to believe you) I am so happy to receive another Otter Story! I hope you and Teddy had a WONDERFUL Easter! and from the LOOKS of the size of
Teddy, I’d say that you had a great day! YEAH!! Good for you Otter-and Teddy too—and do keep an eye on his Chocolate consumption! He needs to stay slim and trim Teddy size so he can continue to assist you in ALL
aspects of Otter activities ( Secret Agent especially–my goodness–how secret is an obese Teddy??) Good luck with guarding the chocolate eggs~!
I would send Ferret over to help you but realistically I think he would
NOT be that big of a help! I too must hide chocolate from my ferret~
Thanks for yet another amazing Otter adventure and story! Have a good
Spring–and I very much look forward to reading your next and all future
adventures! We love you Otter ( and Teddy too—dont want him to feel
left out!~!)
Otter, I am very concerned: You have not written in your diary since Easter! I am very worried you, I mean Teddy, might have given in to temptation and eaten all the chocolate eggs and made yourself – I mean Teddy – ill! Please let all your fans you, and Teddy, are well and enjoying your usual good health
I have been remiss not visiting before! Yes, I understand about the Easter choccies and you have been most wise to help Teddy rethink his snacky urges. It’s always so nice to see what’s new with you, Otter!
i just love you otter!!!
lol teddy
Well Otter,
Could it be that it is Giraffe who has been nibbling the Easter chocolate eggs (and we won’t name brand names here, but we are guessing they are the Dairy Milk Chocolate eggs with the cream filling that is yellow in the center like a real egg?)
(wonders, didn’t I ask before about you getting into sweet things before?)
The thing is Otter, and it is a very good thing to know, Easter Chocolates are only around at Easter time and are very special, but some of the thing that makes them special is sharing them with one another. There will be other Easters, and Halloweens and Christmases to get treats at, so, yes, if Teddy feels he needs an Easter chocolate to get him through the day, then sharing them with him is a very good idea.
though I hide my Easter chocolate in the freezer….:D
Katie McGill