Otter Keeper Goes To Work
Sometimes I get sad. I’m generally a very happy otter most of the time, and I try to be happy as much as possible. But, unfortunately this just isn’t always possible for one main reason: Otter Keeper has a job.
Every morning when I wake up The first thing I do is ask Otter Keeper if it’s the weekend. Most of the time it’s not and he has to go and do his job. He says his job is important because it pays for the house where we live and also things like otter feed and coffee. I try to understand but it’s quite confusing. Why does he have to leave me behind?

I try to be as happy as possible while he’s gone but the problem is I really, REALLY miss him. To feel less sad I have some photos of him I can look at. He’s also made me a special clock. When the little hand gets to the bit he showed me (with the label) it means he will be home soon. If I hide under my blanket and don’t look at the clock it actually goes faster, so I try to do this lots. I’m getting quite good at it!
But the thing I MUST NOT DO is use the big phone to call him at work. There is a special button I can press if there is an emergency but he says missing him, feeling sad or telling him how much I love him isn’t an emergency? The button does get pressed quite a lot but it’s usually Giraffe. He misses Otter Keeper a lot too.

Poor Little Otter
I’m sure you could help at work. Ask Otter Keeper when it will be national Take Your Otter to Work day! I think you need another otter to be your friend that you can talk to on the computer.
Sometimes missing loved people really IS an emergency. But you know, being apart is the only way to miss and realize how much we love people (or Otters), this story made me remember that book, The little prince, when he met the fox.
Hugs for you, Otter, and for Otter keeper.
Aww, sounds like otter has seperation anxiety!
Man says-
get a job!
P.s- this site dislikes my iPhone
Dear Otter,
I just started a new job too. It’s consulting, so it’s not permanent unless they like me a lot, but at least they’re paying me for a while, so maybe I can buy one of Otter Keeper’s prints! But one of my cats, Basha, misses me at home and has started to pull out his fur. At least, we think that’s why he’s doing it, because nothing else has changed. So please don’t do that! He’s getting a bald spot, and since he’s a bit chubby, it’s not very attractive.
Thank you for your lovely story – it livened up a rather dull meeting on networking cards (it really doesn’t get any duller – if I had fur I’d be pulling it out too).
Aww, so cute! Love it and your style of art. Otter’s “voice” reminds me of a little kid, one who ADORES their mother or father. The art is great, too!
Awwwww! Don’t worry Otter, it’s for the best!
I’m sure you can find some more things to do at home… Good luck with everything, Otter!
hehe yeah , i imagine if otter could jsut forget about otter keeper for a little bit she’d find plenty to do π she would probably be quite partial to day time tv π
hehe cool, i think thats exactly where i’m coming from with otter. I think she is meant to be a bit like a child, otters jsut furry too π
hehe yup , tahts otter for you , she has seperation anxiety on a daily basis π
@Otter Lady
haha I had better not tell otter about national take your otter to work day hehe !! … I fear otter keeper may loose his job (whatever it is ) due to otters over enthusiasm on the day π
Hey jimmy lee , that’s good news about the job π congratulations ! . I had better not telll otter about basha and the hair pulling as it may give her little head the wrong idea and we’ll have a bald otter on our hands. Hope everything is good where you are , loved the facebook quiz that determind u were an otter π maybe I should do an otter story about otter taking that quiz π
@Jimmy Lee B.
Hey jimmy lee , thatβs good news about the job π congratulations ! . I had better not telll otter about basha and the hair pulling as it may give her little head the wrong idea and weβll have a bald otter on our hands. Hope everything is good where you are , loved the facebook quiz that determind u were an otter π maybe I should do an otter story about otter taking that quiz π
Hello Otter, It is Sunday today, I know you love the weekends most as you get to be with Otter Keeper 2 whole days in a row. I was thinking of you when I go out and ahve to leave my ferret by himself – I can’t bring him everywhere – he is not always allowed. Even though Otter Keeper says its not an emergency to be sad or lonely or miss someone – it certainly can feel like that – I know, because it happens to me – when I miss my Ferret – and I do not like the thought of him being sad while I am away from the house – to me it certainly can feel like an emergency. That must help explain why I cherish my time at home with my ferret – all good times seem to not last long enough
I’m sorry you are sad otter. Maybe you should write more stories to keep you busy while otter keeper is away. You could write a play & practice with teddy & giraffe to keep you busy. You could practice for days & perform for otter keeper on the weekend.