The Best Sledge Ever!

Me and Teddy decided today would be a good day to build the best sledge ever, so that is what we did. The plan got off to a bad start, Otter Keeper said we should build something else because “There won’t be any snow Otter as it’s too warm”. I thought about what he had said very hard, and when I’d finished thinking, I went to make the sledge.

Building was fairly straightforward as me and Teddy are expert designers and we work really well with cardboard. Soon the sledge was finished and we were very happy because it really was a very good sledge, we cleverly added Christmas decorations (which will help the sledge go faster) and a sofa pillow (to make long journeys more comfortable). The final step was to find some snow. We split up and looked everywhere, but annoyingly the only available snow was in the freezer in the kitchen. This was no good, our sledge is a professional sledge so wasn’t designed to be used in the freezer.

We went back to see Otter Keeper and find out if he was still giving silly and unhelpful answers about snow. Sadly he was and this was annoying. Otter Keeper told us that there really wouldn’t be any snow for a long time, so Teddy told Otter Keeper he was ruining Christmas! Luckily Otter Keeper didn’t hear, which was good news.

Otter Sled

So at this point there is only one thing to do, and that is sit in the sledge and wait for the snow to come. This isn’t too bad because both me and Teddy really like being in the sledge, the only slight problem is that we don’t have any on-board entertainment  (Teddy was in charge of that part of the design) so we are getting a little bit bored.

Me and Teddy have discussed the situation and decided that if the snow doesn’t come before bedtime we will launch the sled on the stairs. Otter Keeper has a ban on sliding down the stairs on things, Teddy said he thinks this ban doesn’t count at Christmas and I think he’s probably right but I’m not 100% sure. We have to be a bit careful around Otter Keeper right now, someone left the Freezer door open earlier today and he is a little bit angry.


We want to wish everyone the best Christmas EVER! also we are very sorry we haven’t been around much recently, this is all Otter Keeper’s fault as he has been busy colouring in our book. He deserves no sympathy as he’s refused any help from me and Teddy despite our obvious colouring experience (Teddy is particularly offended as he has been trying especially hard recently to stay within the lines and this has obviously gone unnoticed). Merry Christmas and Thank you for all the lovely messages and support. Lots of Love – Otter + Teddy + Otter Keeper XXX