
The other day, Teddy and I asked Otter Keeper how many days were left before our book comes out (we usually ask this question at least 4 or 5 times each day), and he said he had some good news! It turns out he’s finally finished the last bit, which is the front cover. Although the book still won’t be out until next year, he says we are allowed to show everyone the cover next Tuesday, October 8!

But the best news of all is that he says we can celebrate by holding a competition! Otter Keeper may be a slow colourer, but I have to admit he has some very fun ideas. He says the competition will be a quiz, and even better, he let ME choose the questions! I’ve decided there will be 3 winners, and for prizes, each winner will get a copy of our book (signed by me!). I thought about also offering a weekend holiday with Teddy as a prize…but I realised I’d miss him too much.

Otter Keeper has put me in charge of the competition, so we’ve set up our Important Competition Headquarters in the hallway. If you want to enter, just fill in the questions below! (Only Giraffe and Pig have entered so far). You can enter the competition until next Tuesday morning, when we’ll announce the 3 winners AND show everyone the cover!

Good luck! (I can tell you now that Giraffe hasn’t won. He got a question wrong, even though I helped him.)


Sorry everyone, but the best competition ever is now closed! Don’t worry, we’ll have another one soon.