Look, here it is! Our I Am Otter book cover! I love it for SO many reasons. It’s obviously been very well designed. (I know this because I am right in the middle of it!) It’s also yellow, and although yellow isn’t my favourite crayon, it’s a brilliant colour for a book. As soon as Otter Keeper showed me, I insisted (after lots of jumping on the sofa, of course) that we all rate it out of 10. And guess what? We all gave the new Otter book cover 10/10—even Teddy, and he’s not very good at rating things!
I hope you like my book cover as much as I do! Teddy and I are going to spend the day looking at it and asking Otter Keeper lots and lots of questions. He gave me a funny look when I told him this… I think it was relief, as he was probably worried he wouldn’t be able to come up with something fun to do for the day! |
Oh! And, after seeing the cover, the day got even better when we remembered it was time to choose winners for our competition! This went really, really well… apart from one thing: We were sad that we couldn’t pick more winners. We had over 700 entries and lots of people wrote some very kind things to us. It seems really unfair that we can’t send everyone a book, but congratulations to the three people who DID win! They are: Teresa Nguyen, Gina Carbone, and Delilah Dawson!

Thank you SO much to everyone who entered! And don’t worry, Teddy and I have decided that next we’re going to invent a competition where everyone wins! Otter Keeper says if everyone wins, then it’s not a competition… but he’s just being difficult (he must be over-excited about the book cover). We don’t need to listen to him.
It’s just perfect!!
COVER is FANTASTIC, but it obviously cannot be better than the content for which I’ve been longing so much 🙂
Soon, we’d be able to touch it and go through at one go, only to come back later again and again…
Brilliant! Definitely a 10 (at least) out of 10!
Sob, sob, I guess I’ll have to wait for the next competition then 🙁
But in the meantime I’ll just have to get the book because that cover looks ‘otterly’ fantastic! I can’t wait to see inside ;D
Dear Otter, Teddy and Otter-keeper! 10/10 and I like yellow too 🙂 I am so glad you finally have a book as it is well-deserved. (Please ask Otter-keeper what that means)…and in case he doesn’t… it means we all are happy that you are finally in a book and that we can buy it and take it to bed. Otter and Teddy, a book also means that the two of you are going to travel a lot without having to leave home!
It’s awesome otter, I’d definitely give it a 10. When and where will your book be available for those of us not lucky enough to win your exciting competition?
Thanks Karen! it will be available in America at first, but me and Teddy are working on expanding that!
That is an interesting idea Maria, we hadn’t thought of that! Travelling is always good fun, so this is great news. I’ll get Teddy to pack is over night bag! We are very happy you like the cover!
Aww thank you! Yes we were really sad that everyone couldn’t win. We are going to work hard on our next competition. We will design in so everyone can win. We are going to use science… somehow…
YAY. I asked Otter Keeper if we could go to 11. As usual he said no….
Yay ,thanks Basia! I can’t wait for the book either. I’m going to make Otter Keeper read it to me. Unless I am better at reading when it eventually comes out? Which might happen if I practice!
Thanks Becca. You’re just perfect too!
LOVE the book cover and we are looking forward to getting the book to read and keep. XXX
@bev otter YAY, thanks Bev. So happy you like it!
Otter, that is the BEST BOOK COVER EVER! I even like that giraffe is present. Congratulations!
@Heidi Schulz Heidi, you like it even though it has Giraffe? WOW… it really is the best book cover ever then. Don’t worry, Giraffe is like Teddy, he’s really friendly and fun to be around!
Definately a 10 out of 10 Otter! If only the rating scale went higher. Best book cover evaaaaar.
I MUST buy that book. I will not be completely happy until I buy it. Does Otter Keeper know where in America it will be available (and when)? Hopefully, I can order it online since I’m in Canada.
And it’s the best cover in history. My favorite color is yellow so I love it even more. I give it 1,000,000/10.
I’m sad that the book isn’t available in England Otter, but my best friend lives in America, I’m hoping she’ll be nice and get it for me!!
Hi Karen, don’t worry, We’ll find a way to get it to England somehow! Don’t you worry 🙂
Hi otter! The cover of your book is great – so graet I’m not even THAT sad i didn’t win the competition – one way or another I will get my hands on your book – even though I probably won’t be published in germany? 😉
Ferret! There are no plans to publish in Germany (yet) but don’t worry, we will get you a book somehow! Me and Teddy are making it our mission to make sure that no one goes without an Otter book!
@Diane Umm Otter Keeper isn’t quite sure where exactly it will be sold. But when he finds out we will make sure we tell you! I’ll try and make him hurry up doing the finding out bit too!
Me and Teddy are VERY pleased you like the cover so much! I didn’t realise numbers could go as high as 1,000,000! I need to re-do all my ratings!
Hi Jess, Well I think.. possibly the rating system can now go up to 1,000,000 (but I can’t be sure) best to keep your score at 10 until Teddy and I get confirmation….
Otter I love the cover, it’s simply beautiful. How can we get the book in England? I need to buy lots for my family!
I LOOOVOVVVVEEEEE it!!!! I can’t wait to read the story as well. !0 out of 10!!!! Congratulations Otter, Teddy and Otter Keeper!!
@Joshie Otter Thanks Joshie! Thanks very much for the 10(best score ever!) YAY, hurry up next year!
Hooray! Did I see that it’s being published in America first? That’s awesome and changes all my plans for ordering off Amazon UK, or emailing people I don’t know very well asking for copies. I’m so excited! Especially since the book is going to be all about YOU. Hooray! And by the way, the cover looks delightful, particularly since it has a toast theme, one of my favorite topics. Lovely. Do hurry the publishers.
Oh wow, I just love it! I can’t waaaaaaaaaaaaait ’til I can buy a copy!! Will we be able to buy it on Amazon if we don’t live in America?
@Jimmy Lee YAY for good news Jimmy! Me and Teddy are also very excited, and we love the cover! I might be changing my new favourite colour to yellow (because of the colour)… but I’m not sure yet. Changing your new favourite colour is something you should think about carefully.
@Lucy Hi Lucy, I think so yes… but Otter Keeper will look into it…
It’s a beautiful cover otter!
@Sue Pownall
Thanks Sue! Otter Keeper tried very hard with the cover. We’ve now changed our favourite colour to yellow!
November 14th- We celebrate Otter’s Birthday and wish her many fabulous returns
Oh, Otter, a book! How very lovely it looks and how happy I am for you!
Just placed my order on Amazon US! Waiting takes FOREVER even with toast and colouring in…..