Otter Attic Mission!

Otter Attic Mission At dinner last night, Teddy and I got some interesting (and very exciting!) news. Otter Keeper told us all about a room in the house that we didn't even know existed: the attic! The attic is the room right at the top of the house, and when it was built nobody ...Read more

The Weekend Jar

The Weekend Jar I don't know who invented weeks, but they didn't do a very good job. A normal week has five days where Otter Keeper goes to work, and only two days for him to spend time with me. This is obviously unfair and it's been bothering me and Teddy for some time. This Sunday we ...Read more

Best Competition EVER!

The other day, Teddy and I asked Otter Keeper how many days were left before our book comes out (we usually ask this question at least 4 or 5 times each day), and he said he had some good news! It turns out he’s finally finished the last bit, which is the front cover. Although ...Read more

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