Jurassic World

Jurassic World Yesterday (Tuesday) was a very special day because Otter Keeper finally took us to see Jurassic World! The 'day' bit of Tuesday went quite slowly because we had to wait for Otter Keeper to get home from work. While we waited, Teddy, Giraffe, and I practised being at the cinema by sitting on [...]

Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Jumper Day! Today in the UK it is National Christmas Jumper Day! Everyone gets to wear Christmas jumpers which helps raise money for 'Save The Children'. Teddy and I didn't want to miss out, so we made Otter Keeper buy us these. They are a bit big, but the ones we wanted only came [...]

My New Otter Book

YAY! Otter keeper said we are finally allowed to show you the cover for our next book: Otter In Space. Otter Keeper asked me to point out that Teddy and I don't actually travel to space in this book (you’ll see when you read it), but that doesn't stop it from being the best book [...]

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