YAY! Otter keeper said we are finally allowed to show you the cover for our next book: Otter In Space. Otter Keeper asked me to point out that Teddy and I don’t actually travel to space in this book (you’ll see when you read it), but that doesn’t stop it from being the best book ever! Giraffe wanted me to mention that he is in it too, and we all know what that means…


Otter In Space book cover


If you liked my first book, I think you will love this one even more! There is no toast restaurant, but there are museums, spaceships, moon rocks, and even dinosaurs (sort of)!

Sadly, we still have to wait until May 2015 until the book comes out. However, you can pre-order it now! Otter Keeper says that pre-ordering a book can help the booksellers get excited about its release, so we would be really grateful to anyone that would like to do this for us!

You can pre-order it here on Amazon
Or here at Barnes&Noble

(Otter Keeper says he will add other pre-order links when they are available!)