Jurassic World

Jurassic World Yesterday (Tuesday) was a very special day because Otter Keeper finally took us to see Jurassic World! The 'day' bit of Tuesday went quite slowly because we had to wait for Otter Keeper to get home from work. While we waited, Teddy, Giraffe, and I practised being at the cinema by sitting on [...]

Giraffe Gets Bad News

Giraffe Gets Bad News And some glowsticks Today has been difficult: I had to explain to Giraffe that he won't be coming on the Attic Mission with us, despite his help with making the Anti-Spider Protection Vehicle. Otter Keeper says we can't all go to the attic. I think Giraffe has taken the news [...]

The Weekend Jar

The Weekend Jar I don't know who invented weeks, but they didn't do a very good job. A normal week has five days where Otter Keeper goes to work, and only two days for him to spend time with me. This is obviously unfair and it's been bothering me and Teddy for some time. This Sunday we [...]

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